Silent Peak
Title of the Print: "Silent Peak"
Size: 60 x 90 cm
Printing Technique: High-contrast black and white Giclée print on premium matte paper
Limited Edition: 30 numbered pieces, each hand-signed
Description: A mist-covered mountain in the Dolomites, Italy, rises sharply into the sky.
Title of the Print: "Silent Peak"
Size: 60 x 90 cm
Printing Technique: High-contrast black and white Giclée print on premium matte paper
Limited Edition: 30 numbered pieces, each hand-signed
Description: A mist-covered mountain in the Dolomites, Italy, rises sharply into the sky.
Title of the Print: "Silent Peak"
Size: 60 x 90 cm
Printing Technique: High-contrast black and white Giclée print on premium matte paper
Limited Edition: 30 numbered pieces, each hand-signed
Description: A mist-covered mountain in the Dolomites, Italy, rises sharply into the sky.